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Counselling is a collaborative effort between
the counsellor and client.


Individual, couple, and group - clinical and professional counselling services.


Professional counselors help clients -

  • identify goals and potential solutions to problems that cause emotional turmoil;

  • seek to improve communication and coping skills;

  • strengthen self-esteem;

  • promote behavior change and optimal mental health.


Counselling may help those who are struggling in the world. Marriage Counselling Malaysia


They may help them to deal with personal issues such as the loss of a job or a divorce. This can be a very stressful time for anyone.


A counsellor can help the person to get back on their feet and feel empowered and stronger than ever.


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Counselling, like psychotherapy, is also a form of talk therapy. Counselling psychology is a psychological specialty that encompasses research and applied work in several broad domains: counselling process and outcome; supervision and training; career development and counselling; and prevention and health. Some unifying themes among counselling psychologists include a focus on assets and strengths, person–environment interactions, educational and career development, brief interactions, and a focus on intact personalities.


To see positive results, a person will usually need to understand the need for change and be willing to follow the treatment plan as the specialist advises. They will also need to find a suitable counsellor or therapist that they can trust.


Differences Between Psychotherapy and Counselling.

There are more similarities between counselling and psychotherapy than there are differences.

The term “counselling” was first coined by Carl Rogers to differentiate a more skill-based professional approach to talk therapy in comparison to psychotherapy which at that time was practiced mainly by medical doctors. Thus, counselling is more grounded in the Rogerian approach that promotes a more collaborative counsellor-client stance, unlike psychotherapy which takes on a more authoritative therapeutic approach.

Counselling is effective for these issues;

Professional counsellors help clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional turmoil; seek to improve communication and coping skills; strengthen self-esteem; and promote behaviour change and optimal mental health.


Counselling is effective for these mental health issues:

Anxiety Disorders

Mood Disorders

Psychotic Disorders

Eating Disorders

Personality Disorders

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

Types of Counselling Approaches

Depending on the approach used by the therapist, a wide range of techniques and strategies can be used. Almost all types of counselling involve developing a therapeutic relationship, communicating, and creating a dialogue, and working to overcome problematic thoughts or behaviours.

The choice of therapy type depends on the patient’s particular issues and circumstances and his or her preference. Counsellors may combine elements from different approaches to best meet the needs of the person receiving treatment. Some of the more popular approaches are:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 

Psychodynamic or Psychoanalytic Therapy 

Person-cantered Therapy

Behavioural Counselling

Humanistic Counselling

Constructionist Counselling

Systemic Counselling


The Different Types of Counsellors

Just as the different types of counselling span a wide range, so do the different types of counsellors.

Below are some of the specialist fields. Counsellors all share the same desire to help people live happier and more fulfilling lives by overcoming challenges and moving past setbacks, whether they’re mental, social, or behavioural.


Behavioural Disorder Counsellor

There are behavioural disorder counsellors who work to reduce negative behaviours and point patients toward positive behaviours. These negative behaviours could involve substance abuse, self-harm, gambling, or weight loss or gain, among many others.


Family and Marriage Counsellor

Family and marriage counselling is invaluable to couples and families who need guidance to get through tough times. family and marriage counsellors help patients process their emotions, behaviours, and reactions in their relationships, whether between spouses, siblings, or even friends and co-workers.


Mental health Counsellor.

Mental health counsellors work with clients to address specific issues affecting their mental well-being, such as depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem. This type of counsellor will also often collaborate with other mental health professionals including doctors and social workers and set clients up with community resources like support groups.


School and Child Counsellor.

School and child counsellors help children and adolescents deal with emotional and mental issues so that they can develop in the healthiest ways possible. Since school is a big part of a child’s life, school counsellors are essential in this development and handle academic, personal, and social problems that children might face. Beyond childhood, school counsellors continue to play a role in career and college counselling.


Conflict Resolution Counsellor.

These are specialists who help resolve disputes and ease stresses in relationships, leading to better communication and mutual respect. Conflict resolution counsellors also help mediate in situations where the stakeholders are unable to calmly discuss issues together.


Grief and Loss Counsellor.

These are counsellors who can help people get over their losses and grief in a more resilient and healthy manner. Usually, those who undergo grief and loss counselling gain a better quality of life after the sessions.


Substance Abuse (Addiction) Counsellor.

These are counsellors who specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders and they often work with drug rehabilitation centres.


Child Abuse Therapist.

These are counsellors who specialises in the treatment of children who has been abused.


Trauma Counsellor.

These are counsellors who treats people who shows symptoms of trauma or who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). 


Therapy Sessions

Therapy may be conducted in an individual, family, couple, or group setting, and can help both children and adults. At 360 Wellness Hub, the first six sessions are typically held once a week or once every two weeks. The case will be reassessed to see if further sessions are necessary after every six sessions. In majority of the cases, no more than six sessions are needed.

Both patient and therapist need to be actively involved in psychotherapy. The trust and relationship between a person and his/her therapist are essential to working together effectively and benefiting from counselling.

Counselling can be short-term (a few sessions), dealing with immediate issues, or long-term (months or years), dealing with chronic and complex issues such as personality disorders or substance abuse issues that has comorbidity with other underlying psychiatric and psychological issues. The goals of treatment and arrangements for how often and how long to meet are planned jointly by the patient and therapist.

Confidentiality is a basic requirement of all talk therapy including counselling. Also, although patients share personal feelings and thoughts, intimate physical contact with a counsellor is never appropriate, acceptable, or useful.


Counselling and Adjunct Treatment

Counselling is often applied in combination with medication to treat mental health conditions. In some circumstances, medication may be clearly useful, and in others, psychotherapy and/or counselling may be the best option. For many people combined medication and/or psychotherapy and counselling treatment is better than either alone. Healthy lifestyle improvements, such as good nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, can be important in supporting recovery and overall wellness.


How to Get the Most Out of Counselling

The efficacy of therapy can vary depending on a wide range of factors. The nature and severity of your problem will play a role, but there are also things you can do to get the most out of your sessions, including:


Being honest with your counsellor: Don't try to hide problems or feelings. Your goal is to show up as your true self without trying to hide aspects of your personality that you might be afraid to reveal.


Feeling your feelings: Don't try to hide negative or distressing emotions such as grief, anger, fear, or jealousy. Talking about these feelings within the context of therapy can help you understand them better.


Being open to the process: Work on forming an open and genuine therapeutic alliance with your therapist. Some research suggests that therapy is most effective when you feel a connection with the mental health professional treating you.


Attending your sessions: Life gets busy but try to stick to your treatment plan and scheduled appointments as best you can. 


Doing the work: If your therapist assigns homework to work on outside of your sessions, make an effort to finish it before the next session.


Does Counselling in Malaysia Work?

Research shows that most people who receive counselling experience symptom relief and are better able to function in their lives. About 75 percent of people who enter psychotherapy or counselling show some benefit from it. Psychotherapy and counselling has been shown to improve emotions and behaviours and to be linked with positive changes in the brain and body. The benefits also include fewer sick days.

  • Is it worth paying for coaching?
    While you can certainly work toward your goals on your own, there are several reasons why paying for a coach is worth the money. Working with a qualified coach can: Help you discover what's holding you back and find the motivation to move forward. Challenge your assumptions; help you find truth and meaning.
  • What is the difference between a coach and a counsellor?
    Counselling has a broader focus and helps with cognitive, behavioural and emotional issues. Coaching has a more specific focus e.g. on managing staff or a company better.
  • How do I pick the coach?
    Pick the coach according to the area that you need help with e.g. executive coaching, lifestyle coaching, business coaching etc. Coach needs to be expert in the area that they are coaching.
  • Are life coaches worth the money?
    Research shows that most people who has employed a life coach, finds that it improves their lives for the better and they are generally positive about the coaching experience.
  • How many sessions do I need?
    We usually tell our patients that they would notice improvement after the first session and usually for common issues, no more than 3 to 6 sessions are needed to resolved the presenting issues.
  • Do you conduct family therapy?
    Yes. Besides individual and couple sessions, we also do family and group sessions. When people find it hard to talk openly and honestly with one another without fear, it is time for therapy. Our therapist-mediator can help people discuss difficult topics. Mediation counselling helps reopen proper communication channels between members of the group.
  • How much does the session cost?
    We are transparent about our charges. Our charges do not contain any hidden charges. Our standard fees are fixed and published. You can find out more about our fee structure here: Because we provide faster results, in fewer sessions, our lifetime cost are often lower than our competitors.
  • Do have therapist that speaks Mandarin? Malay? Tamil?
    Our therapists are comfortable with multi-culturalism, differences in religion, and sexual orientation. Currently we have therapists that speaks English, Mandarin plus other localised Chinese dialects, and Malay. Please call our hotline to find out more.
  • Do you accept credit card payment?
    Yes we accept most major credit and debit cards. For online session, payment can be made via Paypal.
  • What do I have to prepare before the session?
    You may need to answer some questions to give us an idea of your presenting issue, and when you come in for your session, do remove all jewellery and wear something loose and comfortable.
  • Do you have a stay-in SUD and executive stress rehab?
    We only conduct office-based rehab for addiction and executive stress in Malaysia. However, we are affiliated to a stay-in rehab in Thailand and can arrange for the patient to be admitted.
  • Are the sessions private and confidential?
    Yes. All sessions are private and confidential. However, the client can request for someone to sit in on the sessions. The therapist and 360 Wellness Hub will not provide any information about the client or the sessions without a written consent from the client.
  • How long are each session?
    Sessions ranges between 60 to 120 minutes. Usually sessions do not exceed more than 2 hours.
  • Are charges by the session or by the hour?
    our therapists charge by the hour but for some programs the charges are by session.
  • Do I have to see the therapist weekly? What is the period between sessions?
    It depends on the therapist and the issues involved, but usually the sessions are held every 2 weeks and as the recovery progress, every 3-4 weeks and once we move into maintainance, 2-4 times a year.
  • What therapeutic programs do you have?
    We have programs for some specialized issues such as: 1-session program for quit smoking, 10 sessions neurostimulation program for memory improvement, 3 sessions grief and loss sessions, 10 sessions CBT therapy for addiction and others specialist programs such as diabetes reversal. Talk to our therapist about our programs.
  • How much does a psychologist cost per hour in Malaysia?
    Psychologists like counsellors typically charge by the hour and the hourly rates usually range between 350-850 per hour.
  • How can I get psychological help in Malaysia?
    You can google or contact 360 Wellness Hub +60327792700.
  • What exactly does a psychotherapist do?
    Psychotherapists provide psychological assessment, diagnosis and treatment.
  • How much does a mental health diagnosis cost in Malaysia?
    Mental health diagnosis takes times and few sessions with the therapist. Fee can range between RM850-3500.
  • How much does a mental health diagnosis cost in Malaysia?
    Mental health diagnosis takes times and few sessions with the therapist. Fee can range between 850-3500
  • Do you offer online counselling Malaysia?
    Yes. While face to face therapy consultation is most effective, online counselling does have its merits as well. We can also do marriage counselling online if a physical consultation is difficult to do.
  • Is it better to see a counselor or therapist?
    For general health and wellness issues it is best to consult a counsellor. Also, if you are concern about your privacy and confidentiality, it is best to talk to a counsellor since privacy and confidentiality is the cornerstone of all counselling sessions. The difference between counsellors and therapist must also be taken into account. Minimum requirements for counsellors is a masters degree in counselling. There are no stringent academic requirements for therapists.
  • Is therapy covered by insurance?
    Certain insurer do cover a certain number of counselling sessions. It's best to call your insurance provider and ask them if your policy covers it.
  • What is the difference between a Counsellor and a therapist?
    A therapist is a general term to address anyone who provides counselling, psychotherapy or other forms of therapy. A counsellor is someone who has completed a masters in counselling degree.
  • Does hypnotherapy really work?
    Hypnotherapy is the only modality that targets the subconscious and unconscious mind and so for some chronic issues and gut-based issues like irritable bowel syndrome, hypnotherapy is considered the best treatment option.
  • Is there a difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
    When hypnosis is used for therapy, it is known as hypnotherapy.
  • Does insurance cover hypnosis?
    Depends on the insurer, please ask your insurer.
  • How much is hypnosis per hour?
    Hypnotherapy fees ranges from RM150 to 3500 per session.

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